Középkert út 6.
4220 Hajdúböszörmény
HRSZ 01036/15
4220 Hajdúböszörmény
Two kilometres off the city limits of Hajdúböszörmény, along Highway 35 towards
GPS coordinates N 47.68530˚, E 21.45654˚
Imre Szabó: +36 20 938 8022
Antal Szabó: +36 20 333 8133
Delivery and transport services are available. Requires advanced booking, ask for quote and other information over the phone.
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3 ply window and door scantling
Application: joinery, door and window manufacturing
Wood: borov pine
Type: hossztoldott
Quality: A
Sizes: 6 m x 72 mm x 86 mm
6 m x 72 mm x 115 mm
6 m x 48 mm x 115 mm
6 m x 82 mm x 86 mm
6 m x 82 mm x 115 mm
6 m x 96 mm x 86 mm
6 m x 96 mm x 115 mm
Volumetric weight: 550 kg/m3
Origin: Baltic
Applications: Interior design, furniture, doors, door fronts, interior finishes, stairs, tabletops
Wood: borov pine, spruce, beech, oak
Types: jointed and solid slabs
Minőség: A/A
Size: 40 mm x
Moister contrnt: 8 +/- 2%
Gluing: AW 100 water and boiling water-resistant
Origin: Baltic
Sawmill service for hire
We produce custom-sized hardwood beams, roofing materials, columns, posts, wooden headboards, and complete framing structures according to individual needs.
Kiln drying and steaming services for hire
Bring your own lumber and we’ll kiln dry it, steam it or treat it with vacuum condensation dryer.
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Hauling service is available